Big Art Challenge

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== Broadcast ==
== Broadcast ==
Five, 14 October to 18 November 2004 (6 episodes in 1 series)
Different for Five, 14 October to 18 November 2004 (6 episodes in 1 series)

Current revision as of 18:36, 16 June 2024



Edwina Silver


Judges: Art critic Brian Sewell, designer Wayne Hemingway and artist Jane Wilson


Different for Five, 14 October to 18 November 2004 (6 episodes in 1 series)


Inevitably, this was going to be viewed as Posh Idle. 100 artists of any kind (painters, sculptors, performance artists etc.) come to a regional final and are challenged, cajoled and generally mocked at by the three judges. The whole thing led up to a live final and it was supported by the Arts Councils for England and Wales. Now you can rest in peace that your lotto money is going to good causes, such as the bloke who proposed to tie his big toe to the end of a bus while it drove away.

Key moments

The judging sessions where typically they could only agree on about 1% of the entries.

Web Links

Five's Big Art Challenge site


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