Kane, Russell
Kaplinsky, Natasha
Katona, Kerry
Kaur, Narinder
Kay, Vernon
Kaye, Paul
Keith, Penelope
Kelly, Barbara
Kelly, Chris
Kelly, Henry
Kelly, Lorraine
Kelly, Matthew
Kelly, Ross
Kemp, Martin
Kemp, Roman
Kendall, Kenneth
Kennedy, Emma
Kennedy, Sarah
Kenyon, Paul
Keppel, Judith
Kerridge, Tom
Key, Tim
Khan, Saira
Khanijau, Rani
Kidd, Jodie
Kielty, Patrick
Kilroy-Silk, Robert
King, Debbie
King, Gary
King, Jason
King, Ross
King, Si
King, Susan
Klass, Myleene
Knowles, Eric
Knowles, Nick
Kohli, Hardeep Singh
Koppel, Yiolanda
Korer, Cecil
Kumar, Nish
Kyle, Redvers
K is for...
Knightmare - There were French and Spanish versions of Knightmare made.