Paul Coia




Don't Drink the Water

Domesday Detectives

The Enemy Within (devisor)

Flash in the Pan

Heaven Knows

Newshound (stand-in host)

Press Your Luck

Pull the Other One



Coia studied science at Glasgow, his town of birth. After doing some disco DJing, he spent some time at hospital radio before getting a role at Radio Clyde. After announcing roles failed to bring about some on-screen appearances, he grapsed the nettle and left to do chat and magazine shows, including the famous BBC 1 afternoon show Pebble Mill.

Thereafter followed a string of BBC, satellite and cable quiz shows. He is married to the former Miss Great Britain Debbie Greenwood (who herself hosted First Class and co-hosted Spellbound with Paul). Nowadays can be heard talking all over the theme music of shows on ABC1, and cackling all the way to the bank.


His voice launched Channel 4 in 1982 (although Richard Whiteley was the first face to be seen).


Take 3 Management, 110 Gloucester Avenue, Primrose Hill, London NW1 8HX

Web links

Take 3 Management: Paul Coia

Internet Movie Database entry

Wikipedia entry


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