Back to Reality




Richard Bacon and Tess Daly


Princess Productions for five, 16 February to 5 March 2004


Channel 5's "best of" reality shows, if you will. 12 reality stars from the previous years live in a big house (which was inside a giant film set, so the producers could create any effect they wanted) for three weeks whilst getting voted on by the public. The two least popular housemates were put to a house vote to see who should leave.

File:Backtoreality richardandtess.jpgYour Daly Bacon

To increase the bank, "reality challenges" were set based on the shows the housemates previously appeared on and other shows.

We can't remember what James Hewitt was famous for. Seriously, haven't the foggiest.

It was notable for two things: (a) extortionately expensive for Channel 5 - something like 10% of their entire annual entertainment budget, and (b) not being terribly good.


  • James Hewitt (The Games series 1) - Winner
  • Jade Goody (Big Brother series 3)
  • Lizzy Bardsley (Wife Swap)
  • Sarah Kozer (Joe Millionaire US)
  • Ricardo Ribeiro (The Salon)
  • Josie D'Arby (The Games)
  • Rik Waller (Pop Idol series 1)
  • Maureen Rees (Driving School)
  • Uri Geller (I'm a Celebrity series 1)
  • Catalina Guirado (I'm a Celebrity series 2)
  • Craig Phillips (Big Brother series 1)
  • Nick Bateman (Big Brother series 1)


Names have been removed to protect the guilty.

Web links

Princess Productions: Back to Reality

Five's Back to Reality site


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