Crazy Beaches
A roving-camera documentary about people in nightclubs and bars on a Spanish island, perkily narrated by Alice Levine.
The game show element is just as flimsy: every so often, someone on screen says they're going to do something. Viewers are given three options and invited to send a twit to @CrazyBeachesITV with their prediction. Thirty seconds later, we find out which was the right answer, and the show continues on its drunken walk.
Just before the commercial break, and again at the end of the show, there's a space for the ITV2 continuity announcer to tell how well viewers predicted events, and to read out other contributions from viewers. That's just enough of a result for us. The show is watchable without the interactivity, it's also an experiment into tallying informal electronic votes in real time.
Theme music
Original music by Max Scott.