Incognito Quiz

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Revision as of 03:07, 28 August 2024



Joan Gilbert


BBC-tv, 3 August 1946 to 21 June 1947 (5 episodes)


Quiz with celebrity panellists disguised under false beards, wigs, etc. We're not sure why, exactly.

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This was a difficult one to pin down, and calling it "Incognito Quiz" is a compromise, because all five episodes were billed differently. The first was billed as "Do Beards Mean Brains?"' in Radio Times, with the description "See for yourself in tonight's Quiz. Beards v. Moustaches: A contest incognito!". Then there was "Quiz Incognito Again" (which was apparently "serious people v. comics"); a section of a variety show where it was just billed as "Christmas Quiz" ("The Younger Generation from Overseas v. The Old Brigade from the Mother Country"); "Quiz With Joan Gilbert" (no hint as to the nature of the contestants, but at least the title is explicable as it appeared in the same slot as the fortnightly Quiz with Hale, in a week when Mr Hale wasn't on) and finally - hurrah! - "Incognito Quiz" (Critics v. Cartoonists).


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