Tony Hawks



The Best Show in the World... Probably

The Brain Drain (team captain)

I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue (panellist)

Inside Clyde

Just a Minute (panellist)


Comedian, songwriter and all-round funny chap, Tony Hawks is possibly best known for writing the controversial spoof record Stutter Rap which, under the title of Morris Minor and the Majors, reached the dizzy heights of #4 in the UK charts in 1987. A BBC sitcom followed.

His first book, Round Ireland With a Fridge, was a does-what-it-says-on-the-tin comedy travelogue which sold bucketloads, paving the way for similar other titles. He is a regular contributor to panel games on TV and particularly BBC Radio 4.


He is co-founder of the Tennis For Free campaign [1].

He constantly gets emails from 11-year-old grungy teens from Brooklyn assuming him to be skateboarding legend Tony Hawk (singular).

He could have avoided such confusion if he'd stuck to his original surname, Hawksworth. We're guessing it's an Equity thing.

Like Ainsley Harriott, he has had involvement with the BBC sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf.


Round Ireland With A Fridge (book) / (tape)

Playing The Moldovans At Tennis (book) / (tape)

One Hit Wonderland (book) / (tape)


Gordon Poole Agency Ltd, The Limes, Brockley, Bristol BS48 3BB.

Web links

Official Tony Hawks website

Internet Movie Database entry

Wikipedia entry


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