Inside Clyde
Some actual, original Disney UK content that's not just a London thesp putting a voice-over over the top of Dweeb and his Blue Minions.
Heavily influenced by The Crystal Maze and the sci-fi film Inner Space, a team of two children tolerate dragging an adult helper around various different zon... er... organs of the body to collect cryst... er... 'nanobots' which gives them extra time in the finale: the Crystal D... er... 'Brain Storm' round. The team of three are shrunk down by the Professor and injected into his subject, the aforesaid Clyde.
The ear game plays like a giant drum pad, triggering different noises and - worse still, waking Clyde up - if a player steps on one of the wrong pads. In the eye, players move Clyde's eyeball to get a better image of what object he is looking at.
Hey, kids! What's more fun than lancing pus from a stomach ulcer? That's their task in the stomach zone, while they attempt to balance on a wobbly raft (an oversized Shreddie). But it gets even more gross in the slippery intestine, where one player is guided around in the dark to find pieces of nanobot while the other two team-mates look on via an infrared camera.
In the Brain Storm, one child has to be guided around a maze of neurons to activate picture clues to a well-known person, place or thing (think an easy version of Only Connect's picture rounds).
Unlike The Crystal Maze, there was precious little variety in the games beyond a couple of tweaks, but overall this was an affable series.
Mark Robson