Grampian Sheepdog Trials




Robbie Shepherd


Commentator: Bill Merchant


Grampian for ITV, 14 to 18 July 1986 (aired as one week's editions of the About Britain strand)

Grampian for Channel 4, 13 October to 8 December 1986

Grampian (regional), 17 January to 27 March 1988

Bennachie Productions for Grampian (regional), 3 June 1993 to 4 August 1997


At the most simple of explanations, a local version of One Man and His Dog.

It proved quite a popular tournament, though - the competition for the GTV Trophy even got to the point of recieving national exposure on Channel 4.

It was only stopped in its tracks once SMG plc (now STV Group plc) took over the company.


Featured category sections in the series included ladies shepherds, under 25s, novices (for dogs under two years old) and non-professionals. A Guess the Sheep's Weight competition was also featured in some series.

Recorded at various castles in Aberdeenshire over the years - including Craigievar, Castle Fraser and Drum.


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