Pump it Up
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Andy Collins with:
Julia Bradbury (1999)
Fearne Cotton (2000)
Unclassified Mime as 'The Bouncers'
Voiceover: Richard Webb (Series 2)
Carlton for ITV, 26 February 1999 to 31 March 2000 (26 episodes in 2 series)
YEAH! MAD! CRAZY! EWHGEGHE! ZAMMO! Yep, it's the unmistakable sound of kids telly on Friday afternoons. So, it looks like Fun House is dead, we need a new show that will fill the gunge gap. That show, it would appear, is going to be Pump it Up - whether you like it or not.
Two teams battle through four rounds of inflatable fun and then attempt to brave the final obstacle course. The prize for the winning team of each episode in series one was a mountain bike for all four players, the second series must have had a bigger budget as the series was played in a knockout format with the winners of the first six episodes returning for four quarter and two semi finals, with the winning team of the grand final being awarded a holiday to Australia. Each team has four members in it and each show plays four games out of a large pool of several and there is the final obstacle course which happens at the end of each show.
Games were played such as...
Dodgy Geezer (geyser?) where players must make it over the inflatable hills (with water spurting up from the top of each hill - hence the geyser) grab a bit of capstan, bring it back to the start. When all four people have done it, they can construct the capstan and use it to open a valve which will inflate the big Dodgy Geezer bloke (one of those inflatable waving arm man tube things).
Blown 2 Bits that game where the players roll and run about inside a giant inflatable sausage thing with spikes at each end. The object of the game being to blow up your corresponding team colour balloons hanging from the rafters. Easy to run forward, difficult to turn. Harsh.
Grand Prizza a game maybe slightly copying the fun kart race from Fun House, only this time the race was done around the set on electric scooters. The teams would also have to stop halfway to deliver pizzas to the hosts before continuing on the rest of the course.
Fireball The contestants are tied together in pairs (like a three legged race) and must go over an inflatable obstacle course, get to the end and then both teams must tie themselves together into a group of four and then get back over the obstacle course, not easy when the obstacle course is covered in gunge. First team to get back, hit a button releasing a fireball.
Arch Enemies two contestants from each team must pass large building blocks across some scaffolding over the the third member of each team who then hands it down and passes them to the fourth member who has to build an arch, when the arch is fully constructed, the contestant has to climb up and pull a chain which sets off an explosion.
Anyway, most of these games involve giant inflatables (hence the title of the show). However, despite being a game show they don't score conventionally - oh no - that's because... "Scoring is boring!" a clever little catchphrase and shockingly witty for a Friday afternoon. Instead, by winning a round the team can make the final end game more difficult for the opposing team.
The final obstacle course was the The Big Blow Out in Series 1 and The Gunge-a-Thon in Series 2, an obstacle course by numbers with added gunge. Climb up netting, go through holes, cross bridge, don't fall in the gunge blah blah yaddah yaddah.
Winning games in Series 1 added a hazard to the opposing teams course, basically adding extra obstacles to slow them down. This was changed to deactivating a "gunge zone" for your team in the second series. The Gunge Zones involved one hill in the centre of the course called 'Gunge Gulley'. The hill is split into four sections with two gulleys across it for the respective teams to cross - flat, uphill, downhill, flat - and each section represents one gunge zone. If the players haven't turned off a gunge zone then when they enter the area they get dumped on. This apparently makes things a bit more difficult but you'd be hard pushed to notice truth be told. It's meant to make things a bit more slippery at any rate. The end of the obstacle course involved all four members climbing up a giant inflatable hill. Which can be rather difficult when you're covered in gunge!
OK, so it's a bit unoriginal and predictable but it does make up for this in terms of set and production values. The studio is huge, lots of industrial looking lights, dance style game music and a computerised voice counting down from five to zero (with subliminal graphic effect!) for each game. Commentary was provided by the hosts in Series 1 but this was vastly improved in Series 2 when Richard Webb provided the manic commentary. It's worth noting that the show also had some on-screen helpers, the hosts were joined by members from Unclassified Mime who were referred to as bouncers, their job being to keep the games running smoothly, providing comic relief and erm... bouncing about a lot!
And the hosts aren't too bad either, even if Andy Collins has become more annoying since hosting Games World.
Key moments
Andy and Fearne doing the Gunge-a-thon themselves during the final episode.
Devised by the Chatterbox Partnership.
10 years after the show ended, Pump it Up was mentioned on Celebrity Juice (where Fearne Cotton is a team captain) and no one in the audience remembered it!
Web links

An edition from Series 1
An edition from Series 2