Puzzle Panel




Chris Maslanka


Regular guests included: Johnny Ball, David J. Bodycombe, Victor Bryant, Geoffrey Durham, Rob Eastaway, Val Gilbert, William Hartston, Paul Lamford, Don Manley, Prof. Angela Newing, Prof. David Singmaster


BBC Radio 4, 2 July 1998 to 18 May 2005


A Round Britain Quiz for the maths world, presented by the Guardian's Saturday puzzle columnist.

In each half-hour programme, the panellists bring along a puzzle to test the other two panellists and the host, who has no prior knowledge of the question or answer. It's all just for fun, although there is a prize competition for a viewer's puzzle and another for the Panel Beater, a puzzle contributed by a listener.

Sometimes the listeners' puzzles would be set out via a mini play or - lordy - a musical sung by the panel.


Harry Parker

Theme music

Rise and Fall, performed by the Lost Jockey.

Web links

Wikipedia entry

Puzzles from first three series


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