Telly Phonin'

Image:Tellyphonin titles.jpg


Arfon Haines Davies, Sian Thomas and Rupert Moon


HTV Wales (regional), 1993


Sunday afternoon phone-in games and competitions. Claimed to be one of the first programmes to depend entirely on viewers' calls. But in spite of that claim to notability, it seems to have escaped the radar of just about anyone known to man (well, except for those who work at HTV).

While it seemed like a ‘call and lose’ format (similar to Sul Y Ffôn and other such formats on Welsh TV in the 1990s), one phase in this dared to be different, and it occurred on what may have been the only such show in English. It was "Rupert’s Round", in which co-host Rupert Moon (former Llanelli and Wales rugby union player) had his own competition on the show, but it was always write-in with a postcard, not phone-in, despite an animated mini-title sequence of Rupert picking up a rugby ball which morphs into a telephone unit and handset. (Should it have morphed into a postcard instead?)


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