Marco Pierre White




Battlechefs (judge)

Hell's Kitchen (chef)

Humble Pie (judge)

Kitchen Burnout (chef)

Kitchen Wars (chef)


Leeds-born chef best known for being the first Brit to win three Michelin stars, though later handed them back. He is largely regarded as being the first celebrity chef.


Both White and his son Marco Pierre White Jnr have appeared in Big Brother. White Snr appeared in 2011 as a houseguest, setting the housemates a cooking task. White Jnr appeared on the civilian version in 2016, and - until ITV got its mitts on the format - was the only man to have been evicted first. Their double name "Marco Pierre" is the result of restaurant critic Egon Ronay running an article about a chef at Harveys with an Italian name, a French name, and an English name; Marco came from his Italian mother, while Pierre was a whimsical suggestion from a Genoese aunt.

Web links

Official site

Wikipedia entry


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