Fern Britton





As Seen On TV (team captain)

The Big Allotment Challenge

Britain's Got Talent (judge: non-broadcast pilot)

Celebrity Big Brother (participant)

Culinary Genius

For What It's Worth

Have I Got News for You (guest host)

Mr and Mrs

Names and Games

Ready Steady Cook

A Right Royal Quiz

Soapstar Superstar

Strictly Come Dancing (participant)

Watercolour Challenge


Former Westward TV announcer/newsreader who later had stints on BBC's Breakfast Time and "News After Noon" and then at TVS, presenting the nightly news programme Coast to Coast alongside Fred Dinenage. After a short stint at London News Network as entertainment correspondent, she became a household institution from six years of fronting the ever-popular Ready Steady Cook. She moved on to present This Morning with John Leslie and, later, Phillip Schofield.


She is the daughter of sitcom actor Tony "Don't Wait Up" Britton and the sister-in-law of the actor and kids' presenter Brian Cant.

Later credits have included the one-series-wonder TV nostalgia show, 'That's What I Call Television' for ITV1, (where her co-hosts included Matthew Kelly, Des Lynam, Julian Clary, Bradley Walsh and Ronnie Corbett), a short-lived Channel 4 talk show, Fern, and the religiously-inclined BBC One interview series Fern Britton Meets....

Web links

IMDb entry


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